The MACRAMÉ Imprint

Rights of Use

© 2022. All rights reserved. The copyright for this website is owned fully by the responsible MACRAMÉ partner AcumenIST SRL. 


The website is maintained by AcumenIST SRL with contributions from all Project partners of the MACRAMÉ Project.

The distribution of content, even of extracts, for educational, scientific, or private purposes, is permitted, provided that the source is stated (where not expressly indicated otherwise in the corresponding location). Use in the commercial field requires the approval of the Project Coordinator, AcumenIST SRL.


This website reflects only the authors’ view and EASME/the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. Despite careful content checks, the MACRAMÉ Project, and AcumenIST SRL shall not be liable for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages and sites bear sole responsibility for their content.

We strive to ensure that our web content is always up-to-date and is correct and complete in terms of content. Nevertheless, we cannot completely exclude the occurrence of errors. The MACRAMÉ Project, and AcumenIST SRL assume no liability for the updates, accuracy of content, or for the completeness of the information provided on this website.