MACRAMÉ Kick-Off Meeting

The MACRAMÉ Project Kick-Off Meeting will be held on the 27th – 28th February 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.

MACRAMÉ Partners and External Advisory Board Members are invited to use the links below; the relevant password has been provided in the invitation email.

2nd MACRAMÉ Project Meeting (ONLINE)

The 2nd MACRAMÉ Project Meeting will be held ONLINE on the 10th – 11th May 2023.

MACRAMÉ Partners are invited to use the link to the Agenda & Documentation (on the right); the relevant password has been provided in the invitation email.

1st Joint Workshop: Harmonisation & Standardisation of Test Methods for Nanomaterials and Advanced Materials (ONLINE)

Continuing the NanoHarmony NANOMET journey:  
Two Days focused on the Standardisation Roadmaps for in vitro Models and Graphene
*** ONLINE ***
22. – 23. November 2023, 10:00 – 15:00 CET

1st MACRAMÉ Regulatory Risk Assessors Summit

Challenges in addressing Sustainability in the Life Cycle Assessment of Products including Advanced Materials

 *** BAuA, Berlin ***
27. – 28. November 2023

3rd MACRAMÉ Project Meeting (in person)

The 3rd MACRAMÉ Project Meeting will be held on the 12th – 13th December 2023 in St. Gallen, Switzerland. MACRAMÉ Partners and External Advisory Board Members are invited to use the links below; the relevant password has been provided in the invitation email.

MACRAMÉ Webinars on Harmonisation, Standardisation & Validation of Test- and Characterisation Methods

The MACRAMÉ to inform and train practitioners of advanced materials’ (AdMas’) safety and sustainability on and in topics pertaining to the harmonisation, standardisation and validation of characterisation- and test-methods of AdMAs.

Please follow this links below to find out more about each one of the webinars offered. 

Webinar I:
Standardisation and Validation made simple
Understanding the role of metrology and standardisation to answer the regulatory requirements for advanced materials and nanomedicines

Date & Time: 09. April 2024, 14:00 – 16:00 CEST

Metrology, method validation, standardisation … 

These concepts may sound complicated, but they are essential in analytical sciences. They strongly support the development of innovative products such as advanced materials or nanomedicine.

This webinar aims to help increase the impact of the protocols you are developing beyond the academic community and to get you updated on the new standards and reference materials on the horizon. … more …

Webinar II:
AOPs: A tool to include NAMs into regulatory testing?

Date & Time: 11. April 2024, 14:00 – 16:00 CEST

Regulatory safety testing of chemicals and materials is still mainly focused on animal testing. A huge number of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) to replace or reduce animal testing have been scientifically developed within the last years. Their regulatory use, however, is still limited. A possible way to include NAMs into regulatory testing may be found in Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs). We will present what AOPs are, how they can be developed and established at OECD. The AOP for pulmonary fibrosis and the AOP on acute lung toxicity will serve as examples for the development of nanomaterial-relevant AOPs. We will discuss the implementation of AOPs into regulatory testing and hurdles. … more …

MACRAMÉ Project Review Meeting (M18)

The MACRAMÉ Project Review Meeting will be held on the 17th June 2024 in Limassol (Cyprus), 09:00 – 13:30 local time (i.e. 08:00 – 12:30 CEST) (HaDEA & External Monitor joining time: 09:15 CEST).

MACRAMÉ Partners, the HaDEA PA and the External Monitor, are invited to use the links below; the relevant password has been provided in the invitation email.

2nd Joint Workshop: Harmonisation & Standardisation of Test Methods for Nanomaterials and Advanced Materials (ONLINE)

Continuing the NanoHarmony NANOMET journey:  
Two Days focused on the Standardisation Roadmaps for in vitro Models and Graphene
*** ONLINE ***
18th & 19th November 2024

Agenda & Documentation (coming soon)

Summit on new Methods for safe & sustainable Advanced Materials

During the week of the 16. to 20. June 2025, the sister projects MACRAMÉiCARE and nanoPASS will hold a Joint Summit on new Methods for safe and sustainable Advnaced Materials back-to-back with the meeting of the OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (OECD WPMN).

The experts invited to attend the event will discuss the following questions:

  • What are the latest innovations in advanced characterisation tools and NAMs for Safe and Sustainable Advanced Materials?
  • What are needs for Test Guidelines and standards development for the safety and sustainability testing of AdMas?
  • What are the needs of regulatory and policy frameworks to support safe and sustainable AdMas?

The feedback received druing the summit will be considered during the finalisation of the relevant reports and project legacy planning.

To find out more about the Joint Summit on new Methods for safe & sustainable Advanced Materials, got to the ‘save the date’-post and sign up for the MACRAMÉ Newsletter.