Supporting the Safety & Sustainability in Novel Manufacturing Concepts

The MACRAMÉ Project will provide an insight into its research & Innovation (R&I) approach at this year’s EuroNanoForum, to be held on the 11. – 13. June 2023 in Lund, Sweden. The Project Coordinator, AcumenIST, will provide a detailed presentation of the Project’s central objectives, and planned implementation steps in the conference’s session on ‘Advanced Materials & Manufacturing’.

Central to the MACRAMÉ R&I Approach is the Project’s focus on five market-relevant industrial MACRAMÉ Use-Cases, which define the selection of specific MACRAMÉ Exposure Points, at which exposure of humans and/or the environment to advanced materials may occur.

Schematic overview of the identified product-relevant MACRAMÉ Exposure-Points and the sampling, characterisation/imaging/detection and testing to be conducted at these points; *3 GRMs will be processed to a GRM reinforced epoxy composite according to Netkueakul et al. (2020).

The resulting detailed MACRAMÉ R&I Strategy refines the product-relevant exposure points, control materials, sampling strategy, operating procedures for sampling, sample-size (i.e. quantity of a sample) and -provision arrangements, specific R&I activities to be conducted for each sample (i.e. exact characterisation and (quantitative) imaging and detection methods) and instrument-exchange.

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