MACRAMÉ Partner Spotlight: GAIKER

GAIKER is a private non-profit organisation devoted to research and the provision of innovative technological solutions to companies. Since we were set up in 1985, we have contributed to the technological development and competitiveness of the business sector through learning, development and subsequent transfer to customers of technologies related to our fields of specialisation:  Biotechnology, Sustainable Composites 4.0, Functional and Sustainable Polymers and Recycling and Circular Economy.

We develop in-house and collaborative R&D projects, provide advanced technological services and perform laboratory analysis and certification tests.

In the Biotechnology Department we apply innovative cellular and molecular technologies to study the efficacy and safety of pharmaceutic, cosmetic, medical, nanotechnology and food products to human health. In our studies, we develop and apply in vitro and ex vivo models of different physiological barriers, and other systems of interest, such as the skin, the digestive system, the blood, the respiratory system or the central nervous system.  

Our laboratories are GLP certified by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices. We not only deal with human health but also with environmental health. Our team applies standard (OECD, ISO, USEPA) and advanced ecotoxicological testing methods for the evaluation of the environmental stressors on soil and aquatic environments (freshwater and seawater). We use alternative species and new approach methodologies (NAMs) based on non-animal testing methods, applying 3Rs in (eco)toxicity testing. Thus, GAIKER supports the development of more sustainable advanced materials with better performance in two fundamental aspects of the SSbD:

  1. safety assessment for human health and the environment, using in vitro methodologies and avoiding animal experimentation, and the performance of occupational risk analysis, and
  2. sustainability and environmental impact assessment by means of life cycle analysis (LCA) of innovative materials and processes.
GAIKER’s Role in the MACRAMÉ Project

GAIKER plays a key role in the MACRAMË project by contributing its extensive expertise in ecotoxicity testing and the Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD), specifically leading the task titled “Safety and Sustainability Evaluation of Use-Cases.” As part of this effort, GAIKER together with the University of Birmingham focus on adapting OECD guidelines for ecotoxicity testing to evaluate products containing nanomaterials (e.g graphene) during the entire product life cycle.

Figure: Subacute OECD TG 249 extended for up to 28 days.

In this task, GAIKER is harmonising approaches for the dispersion of low-solubility AdMas for ecotoxicity testing, developing exposure approaches that enable distinguish the effects of material from matrix components, and expanding the applicability of the OECD TG 249 to other fish cell lines and expanding the exposure time of the cells to evaluate a more chronic effect. The result of this evaluation is crucial for determining the environmental impact of these materials.

‘GAIKER together with TEMASOL and EMPA will integrate critical data on toxicity and exposure […], further demonstrating the practicality and effectiveness of MACRAMÉ’s innovative solutions for risk analysis.’

In addition, GAIKER together with TEMASOL and EMPA will integrate critical data on toxicity and exposure provided by MACRAMÉ’s WP2 and WP4 work packages to demonstrate their applicability for a comprehensive risk assessments of specific use cases, further demonstrating the practicality and effectiveness of MACRAMÉ’s innovative solutions for risk analysis. GAIKER is also leading one of the project’s use cases, which involves the development and application of a graphene-based spray used as a lubricant for bicycles and is participating in WP5 for advancing MACRAMÉ ecotoxicity adapted methods for Harmonisation & Standardisation and participates in the worskhops and webinar organised by this workpackage.

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