TEMAS Solutions is a Swiss-based SME founded in 2020, who plays a key role in supporting industry by helping them ensure that their path to market complies with the goals of the Green Deal through achieving the environmental, energy and climate targets for 2050. This means ensuring the active implementation of Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD), in an increasing range of innovative materials. Known as TEMASOL, we ensure that SSbD is central to innovative design and fabrication technologies, where the integrity of solutions such as biobased plastics and polymers is being applied to a variety of sectors such as aerospace, automotive, construction, textile and packaging. TEMASOL is also involved in projects related to responsible replacements for PFAS in a range of products through implementation of SSbD and LCA. TEMASOL, as part of the Graphene Flagship has developed a Regulatory Roadmap to support industry achieve regulatory compliance for their new products. We also apply the fundamental principles of LCA, RA and SSbD to fields as diverse as soil remediation and restoration.

These activities are only possible thanks to our multidisciplinary team with experts in LCA, sustainability, toxicology, regulatory affairs, risk assessment and IT, product development, and through past and on-going collaborations in key initiatives at national and international level, with several European-funded projects on the development and implementation of Safe and Sustainable by Design and Governance of emerging technologies.
TEMAS Solution’s role in the MACRAMÉ Project
TEMASOL leads WP4 on industrial use cases, working closely with Medica, Carbon Waters, Filk and MyBiotech on the demonstration and validation of characterisation methods and new in vitro models developed in Macrame. TEMASOL coordinates sample collection from release points provided by the industrial partners which are delivered to research partners in WP2. TEMASOL performs LCA of use cases, identifying challenges brought about by advanced materials and contributing to the development of characterisation factors regarding human toxicity and ecotoxicity.

TEMASOL will develop the conceptual Sustainability Matrix as key motivator for future labelling of AdMa based products. TEMASOL also supports needs assessment of Policy Frameworks regarding Advanced Materials as well as identifying and describing future standardisation needs based on methodologies developed in the project.