During the week of the 16. to 20. June 2025, the sister projects MACRAMÉ, iCARE and nanoPASS will hold a Joint Summit on new Methods for safe & sustainable Advanced Materials back-to-back with the meeting of the OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (OECD WPMN).

The experts invited to attend the event will discuss the following questions:
- What are the latest innovations in advanced characterisation tools and NAMs for Safe and Sustainable Advanced Materials?
- What are needs for Test Guidelines and standards development for the safety and sustainability testing of AdMas?
- What are the needs of regulatory and policy frameworks to support safe and sustainable AdMas?
The feedback received druing the summit will be considered during the finalisation of the relevant reports and project legacy planning.
To find out more about the Joint Summit on new Methods for safe & sustainable Advanced Materials, sign up for the MACRAMÉ Newsletter (in the panel on the right).