Instance Maps as organising Concepts for complex experimental Workflows

MACRAMÉ Partners have spearheaded the publication of a new proof-of-concept paper entitled ‘Instance maps as an organising concept for complex experimental workflows as demonstrated for (nano)material safety research’ (Beilstein Arch. 2024, 202426. The paper describes the development of ‘Instance Maps’ to visualise experimental nanosafety workflows and to bridge the gap Read more…

MACRAMÉ Webinar Recording – AOPs: A Tool to include NAMs into regulatory Testing?

The 2nd webinar in the series of MACRAMÉ Webinars on Harmonisation, Standardisation & Validation of Test- and Characterisation Methods focussed on the question ‘AOPs: A tool to include NAMs into regulatory testing?’. The webinar was jointly organised by the MACRAMÉ and nanoPASS projects, and attracted over 70 international experts. The Read more…

Understanding biological Interactions, Cytocompatibility and cellular Responses of 2D Materials

MACRAMÉ Partners EMPA have conducted a detailed study on the cellular interaction and effects of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) nanosheets in alveolar epithelial cells cultured on porous inserts and exposed under air−liquid interface conditions for 24 h. In their resulting publication entitled ‘Boron Nitride Nanosheets Induce Lipid Accumulation and Autophagy in Read more…