Announcement: MACRAMÉ Webinar III – Overcoming issues in regulatory testing of advanced materials

The webinar will inform you about different standardisation organisations (e.g. ISO, CEN, OECD) and the process towards an accepted standard. This includes the important steps of method validation and regulatory acceptance. An overview of the state-of-the-art of human health and environmental in vitro testing of the advanced materials will be given. …

Maximum Project Impact – MACRAMÉ looks back at 18 Months of successful Stakeholder Involvement & Knowledge Transfer

In its Report on Stakeholder Involvement & Knowledge Transfer in the first 18 Months, the MACRAMÉ Project provides an overview of the stakeholder engagement and knowledge transfer on harmonisation and standardisation (H&S) activities for advanced materials undertaken in the first 18 months. The Project organised and conducted a number of Read more…

MACRAMÉ Webinar Recording – AOPs: A Tool to include NAMs into regulatory Testing?

The 2nd webinar in the series of MACRAMÉ Webinars on Harmonisation, Standardisation & Validation of Test- and Characterisation Methods focussed on the question ‘AOPs: A tool to include NAMs into regulatory testing?’. The webinar was jointly organised by the MACRAMÉ and nanoPASS projects, and attracted over 70 international experts. The Read more…

MACRAMÉ Webinars on Harmonisation, Standardisation & Validation of Test- and Characterisation Methods

The MACRAMÉ Project will offer five webinars on ‘Harmonisation, Standardisation & Validation of Test- and Characterisation Methods’ over 2024 and 2025. The first two webinars of the series will focus on the following topics: Find out more about the webinars and register to attend them on the dedicated MACRAMÉ Webinar Read more…

Nanomaterials and Graphene join Forces to advance the Standardisation & Harmonisation of Advanced Materials

Dr Steffi Friedrichs of AcumenIST SRL participated in the ‘Standardisation Workshop & Panel Discussion’ at Graphene Week 2023, held from the 4th – 8th September 2023 in Gothenburg. She contributed an introduction to the HorizonEurope-funded MACRAMÉ Project (Advanced Characterisation Methodologies to assess and predict the Health and Environmental Risks of Read more…

Launch of the MACRAMÉ Control Material Library

To support development, harmonisation, and benchmarking of testing methods applied within the HorizonEurope-funded Project, a MACRAMÉ Control Material Library (CML) has been established. The Library contains representative materials with largely known properties impacting the in vitro test development and of materials to be investigated in the MACRAMÉ Use Cases (UCs). Read more…

Towards harmonisation of testing of nanomaterials for EU regulatory requirements on chemical safety

MACRAMÉ Partners have contributed to the identification of 11 different needs for action to address 22 information requirement needs across different EU regulatory areas concerning the market access of products containing nanomaterials. Experts from RIVM (Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) and AcumenIST SRL have co-authored a Read more…