Announcement: MACRAMÉ Webinar III – Overcoming issues in regulatory testing of advanced materials

The webinar will inform you about different standardisation organisations (e.g. ISO, CEN, OECD) and the process towards an accepted standard. This includes the important steps of method validation and regulatory acceptance. An overview of the state-of-the-art of human health and environmental in vitro testing of the advanced materials will be given. …

MACRAMÉ Researchers co-author ‘Roadmap towards safe and sustainable advanced and innovative materials’

The new publication entitled ‘Roadmap towards safe and sustainable advanced and innovative materials. (Outlook for 2024-2030)’ has been co-authored by a team of researchers from the MACRAMÉ Project Partners AcumenIST, Seven Past Nine GmbH, Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, and TEMAS Solutions GmbH. The publication Read more…

MACRAMÉ Partners publish White Paper on Test Guideline Development

As part of their joint efforts within the NanoHarmony project, the MACRAMÉ Partners BAuA (German Federal Institute for occupational Safety and Health ), RIVM (DutchNational Institute for Public Health and the Environment), BASF (BASF SE), LIST (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology), and AIST (AcumenIST), and INIA (National Institute for Agriculture Read more…

Launch of the MACRAMÉ Control Material Library

To support development, harmonisation, and benchmarking of testing methods applied within the HorizonEurope-funded Project, a MACRAMÉ Control Material Library (CML) has been established. The Library contains representative materials with largely known properties impacting the in vitro test development and of materials to be investigated in the MACRAMÉ Use Cases (UCs). Read more…