The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is a Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and its mission is to develop competitive and market-oriented prototypes of products and services for public and private stakeholders. With nearly 680 employees, 77% of whom are researchers or innovators from all over the world, LIST is active in the fields of information technology, materials, space resources and the environment, and works across the entire innovation chain, from basic and applied research to technology incubation and transfer.
By transforming scientific knowledge into intelligent technologies, data and tools, LIST:
- helps European citizens make informed choices,
- helps public authorities make decisions, and
- encourages companies to further develop.
The Environmental Research and Innovation (ERIN) department at LIST, provides the interdisciplinary knowledge, expertise and technologies to lead solutions including the major environmental challenges facing society, such as climate change mitigation, ecosystem resilience, sustainable energy systems, efficient use of renewable resources, and environmental pollution prevention and control. The department relies on two cutting-edge platforms, the Biotechnologies and Environmental Analytics Platform and the Observatory for the Climate and the Environment, and the GreenTech Innovation Centre (GTIC): a one-stop-shop for the complete development of bio-based products and processes.
LIST & the MACRAMÉ Project

LIST has several roles in the MACRAMÉ project:
- Based on a fully equipped infrastructure and thanks to the expertise of its team in the development of complex 3D in vitro models for human hazard assessment, LIST provides advanced in vitro models for inhalation toxicology, including the use of advanced coculture models exposed at the air-liquid interface (ALI). LIST already developed several in vitro alternative models, with 3 under validation process and will exploit the MACRAMÉ models in projects, and to provide services and support companies through spin-offs and licenses.
- With its knowledge in the field of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, LIST will contribute to the physical-chemical characterisation of advance materials.
- LIST is strongly involved in regulatory toxicology and chemical safety assessment (REACH European regulatory, CLP regulatory, OECD expert group) and will contribute to the regulatory support, standardisation and harmonisation activities.