Workshop Recording – Harmonisation & Standardisation of Test Methods for Nanomaterials and Advanced Materials

The 1st MACRAMÉ online workshop on ‘Harmonisation & Standardisation of Test Methods for Nanomaterials and Advanced Materials’, jointly organised with the iCARE and nanoPASS Projects, as well as the MaltaInitiative took place on the 22. – 23. November 2023 (online). The workshop welcomed over 150 registrants, evenly distributed amongst academia, Read more…

Unveiling the Future of Innovation – Nanotechnology at the Crossroads of Converging Technologies

The MACRAMÉ Project took centre stage at the recent conference on ‘Open Innovation for Materials Modelling, Design and Manufacturing’ (OIP-2023), held at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) on the 19. – 20. October 2023. Under the Title ‘Nanotechnology at the Crossroads of Converging Technologies: Unveiling the Future Read more…

MACRAMÉ Partners publish White Paper on Test Guideline Development

As part of their joint efforts within the NanoHarmony project, the MACRAMÉ Partners BAuA (German Federal Institute for occupational Safety and Health ), RIVM (DutchNational Institute for Public Health and the Environment), BASF (BASF SE), LIST (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology), and AIST (AcumenIST), and INIA (National Institute for Agriculture Read more…

Is graphene toxic to human health? – MACRAMÉ Partner addresses large Questions about a small Material

While everyone agrees on its incredible properties and the possibilities it brings to industry in particular, more and more studies are also aiming to assess graphene’s toxicity on human health. The various studies carried out on the subject all agree that the type of graphene, its quality, the degree of concentration and the level of exposure have different impacts. However, they show that Read more…

Nanomaterials and Graphene join Forces to advance the Standardisation & Harmonisation of Advanced Materials

Dr Steffi Friedrichs of AcumenIST SRL participated in the ‘Standardisation Workshop & Panel Discussion’ at Graphene Week 2023, held from the 4th – 8th September 2023 in Gothenburg. She contributed an introduction to the HorizonEurope-funded MACRAMÉ Project (Advanced Characterisation Methodologies to assess and predict the Health and Environmental Risks of Read more…

profile of a female figure, holding a stylised globe in her had; illustration of data-flows through the globe.

Good Practice in (Meta)Data Management – a MACRAMÉ-co-authored Paper provides new Impulses far beyond its Community

‘[…] a highly topical issue in the science community: that of research data management and FAIR data.’ [Peer-Reviewer 1] A new paper on data management laments that the processes underlying the best practices of research data management were ‘overly focussed on the needs of specific research projects or aligned to Read more…

Launch of the MACRAMÉ Control Material Library

To support development, harmonisation, and benchmarking of testing methods applied within the HorizonEurope-funded Project, a MACRAMÉ Control Material Library (CML) has been established. The Library contains representative materials with largely known properties impacting the in vitro test development and of materials to be investigated in the MACRAMÉ Use Cases (UCs). Read more…