MACRAMÉ Researchers co-author ‘Roadmap towards safe and sustainable advanced and innovative materials’

The new publication entitled ‘Roadmap towards safe and sustainable advanced and innovative materials. (Outlook for 2024-2030)’ has been co-authored by a team of researchers from the MACRAMÉ Project Partners AcumenIST, Seven Past Nine GmbH, Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, and TEMAS Solutions GmbH. The publication Read more…

Instance Maps as organising Concepts for complex experimental Workflows

MACRAMÉ Partners have spearheaded the publication of a new proof-of-concept paper entitled ‘Instance maps as an organising concept for complex experimental workflows as demonstrated for (nano)material safety research’ (Beilstein Arch. 2024, 202426. The paper describes the development of ‘Instance Maps’ to visualise experimental nanosafety workflows and to bridge the gap Read more…

MACRAMÉ Data Shepherding Part 2– Harmonisation towards a common Data Schema

In the first part “MACRAMÉ Data Shepherding – an Approach to the centralised Management of Research Information & Knowledge”, the principle data management concept of MACRAMÉ were outlined, including an elaboration of MACRAMÉ’s implementation of the FAIR principles for internal data sharing, and two new data management tools (i.e. (a) Read more…