Announcement: 1st MACRAMÉ Regulatory Risk Assessors Summit

1st MACRAMÉ Regulatory Risk Assessors Summit
Challenges in addressing Sustainability in the Life Cycle Assessment of Products including Advanced Materials

 *** BAuA, Berlin ***
27. – 28. November 2023

Sustainability of products is an important aspect of the new Green Deal concept of the European Commission and defined and guided by the Safety and Sustainability by Design (SSbD) approach. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an integral part of this approach and especially challenging when products contain advanced materials. LCA is also required in chemical, medical and food safety regulations.

Questions to be addressed in the workshop:

  • How is LCA and sustainability currently addressed in regulation?
  • How will LCA and sustainability be addressed in practice in the context of SSbD?
  • What are the experimental challenges of LCA in SSbD and in the context of regulation?

The 1st MACRAMÉ Regulatory Risk Assessor Summit organised by the Horizon Europe project MACRAMÉ invites interested stakeholders to discuss these questions.

In particular representatives from industry, regulators, scientists, OECD, the EC are encouraged to join the discussion to identify the questions existing in the different communities and how can such questions best be addressed?

The summit will take place on the 27th and 28th November 2023 at the Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA) in Berlin.

The first day will start at 13:00 CET with presentations from the different stakeholders (the registration is open and a light lunch is available from 12:00 CET). The agenda will continue with break-out sessions and panel discussions to get a comprehensive view of the different challenges and possible solutions in life cycle and and sustainability assessto overcome them. The summit will end at 15:00 CET on the second day.

More details on the agenda, registration and logistics will follow after the summer break.

To register, please complete the form below; for further information about the MACRAMÉ Project, please visit the dedicated summit webpage.

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