MACRAMÉ Partner Spotlight: EMPA

Empa (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, CH) is the research institute for materials science and technology of the ETH Domain and conducts cutting-edge research for the benefit of the industry and the well-being of society. It specializes in applications, focused research and development, and provides high-level services

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MACRAMÉ Partner Spotlight: BioMS

Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik Münster e.V., also known as BioMS, established in 2000, is a key player in the bioanalytical and life science sectors, especially within the Münster region. BioMS is a collaborative network that brings together companies, academic institutions, and research centers. Its primary mission is to foster robust communication

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MACRAMÉ Partner Spotlight: IBE

The IBE R&D Institute for Lung Health gGmbH (IBE) is a private non-profit institution, which emerged from the Institute of Hygiene and Occupational Health of the University of Duisburg-Essen in 2005. Its main mission is the description and prediction of toxic effects of respirable particles in the lung using in

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MACRAMÉ Partners publish White Paper on Test Guideline Development

As part of their joint efforts within the NanoHarmony project, the MACRAMÉ Partners BAuA (German Federal Institute for occupational Safety and Health ), RIVM (DutchNational Institute for Public Health and the Environment), BASF (BASF SE), LIST (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology), and AIST (AcumenIST), and INIA (National Institute for Agriculture

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MACRAMÉ Partner Spotlight: LIST

The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is a Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and its mission is to develop competitive and market-oriented prototypes of products and services for public and private stakeholders. With nearly 680 employees, 77%

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Is graphene toxic to human health? – MACRAMÉ Partner addresses large Questions about a small Material

While everyone agrees on its incredible properties and the possibilities it brings to industry in particular, more and more studies are also aiming to assess graphene’s toxicity on human health. The various studies carried out on the subject all agree that the type of graphene, its quality, the degree of concentration and the level of exposure have different impacts. However, they show that

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