MACRAMÉ Webinar Recording – AOPs: A Tool to include NAMs into regulatory Testing?

The 2nd webinar in the series of MACRAMÉ Webinars on Harmonisation, Standardisation & Validation of Test- and Characterisation Methods focussed on the question ‘AOPs: A tool to include NAMs into regulatory testing?’.

The webinar was jointly organised by the MACRAMÉ and nanoPASS projects, and attracted over 70 international experts. The participants were first brought up to speed about Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) and their underlying development processes, before joining a discussion about the possible inclusion of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) into regulatory decision making.

NAMs promis a reduction of animal testing; their regulatory use, however, is still limited. AOPs provide a way to better include NAMs into regulatory testing. The webinar explained this concept on the exemplary cases of the AOP for pulmonary fibrosis and the AOP on acute lung toxicity for the development of nanomaterial-relevant AOPs.

It’s everybody’s job now to move the ‘maybe’ to a ‘yes’ regarding the acceptance of NAMs into regulatory risk assessment.

[Sean Kelly, Nanotechnology Industries Association, and Qasim Chaudry, University of Chester]

The individual presentations can be viewed via their following links:

The full webinar (2h) is available to re-watch here.

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